Friday, January 8, 2010

Cruise Ship Luggage Is It Ilegal To Stay At Your Last Port Of Call And Not Return Home On Your Cruise Ship?Any Penalties 4 This?

Is it Ilegal To stay at your last Port of call and not return Home on your cruise ship?Any penalties 4 this? - cruise ship luggage

He was taken a cruise and decided he wanted one, its ports for calls that he stay there and later at home on her own was one weeks .. No cruising allowed? Would be a punishment?
Tell your cruise, you do so and let the cruise ship with your luggage?


luludood... said...

When you leave the cruise ship route part of the trip, you can normally do not care how long they have been electronically "wiped off the boat with the luggage cover - the back!

Local immigration can not be happy if you try as you may not have the necessary visas, etc.

Then you have to pay for their own flight home!

If you are the hope of having an affair with one of its inhabitants, which I ask, it's worth it!

luludood... said...

When you leave the cruise ship route part of the trip, you can normally do not care how long they have been electronically "wiped off the boat with the luggage cover - the back!

Local immigration can not be happy if you try as you may not have the necessary visas, etc.

Then you have to pay for their own flight home!

If you are the hope of having an affair with one of its inhabitants, which I ask, it's worth it!

luludood... said...

When you leave the cruise ship route part of the trip, you can normally do not care how long they have been electronically "wiped off the boat with the luggage cover - the back!

Local immigration can not be happy if you try as you may not have the necessary visas, etc.

Then you have to pay for their own flight home!

If you are the hope of having an affair with one of its inhabitants, which I ask, it's worth it!

Kevin L said...

There can be no sanction. It depends on where the ship first left and look at what port it is.

It is usually a high penalty for this, more than $ 600 per passenger, if at all.

If you only go to the catwalk with their luggage, security is not allowed to leave the ship if they have proper documentation and to have full documentation.

If the shipping company to consult before boarding, and see if you can. In most cases, are not allowed.

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