Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chocolate Canon Elph Please Help Me. What Colour?

Please help me. What colour? - chocolate canon elph

I bought a Canon IXUS 80, but you do not know what color to choose when it comes in five colors.
(Chocolate, pink, blue, silver and caramel). First, I wanted pink, but then switched to chocolate brown. I look forward very much to choose what color to confusion. I know you think, why not the color u want? I know, but not so easy, I have five favorite colors, and is really difficult for me to choose colors for things like my bedroom, and much more. Please help. Google colors and tell me that they wanted. Since I can not bear the thought. The color with the most votes wins. Thank you for your time. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Of course, getting the pink!

Anonymous said...

I think you should buy pink or anything!

Anonymous said...

I have brown chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Of course, getting the pink!

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