Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hepatitis Dark Chocolate Which Medicine Is Treatment For Hepatitis A?

Which medicine is treatment for Hepatitis A? - hepatitis dark chocolate

my father, with hepatitis A and health in their enterprises as:
Abdominal pain
Dark urine
Sparrow droppings
Joint pain and back
(Yellowing of the skin or eyes)
Loss of appetite and eating nothing but cold water only for drinking.
Both legs, hands and arms were swollen.

So please send me the exact title and purchase the necessary medication webstie, if possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No specific treatment for hepatitis A. Most people with hepatitis A sick for a few months before they begin to feel better. Some people will be hospitalized. In the meantime, doctors usually recommend rest, adequate nutrition and fluids. People with hepatitis A should be a doctor before taking prescription drugs, supplements or over the counter medications that can damage the liver to ask. Alcohol should be avoided. Learn more about hepatitis A in: ...

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